
 Move objects between categories
  1. Click on the category name to display the list of objects in that category.
  2. Select the objects to affect. Controls will appear in the category browser.
  3. Use the plus and minus signs to add or remove the categories on selected objects.

Object list result
Select objects to change categorization:
  1. URL Classifier
  2. Distributed Medical Statistics Gathering And Testing
  3. Alusivo
  4. Summaries for GIVE 1
  5. ICPC Explanations
  6. Hackatong2016
  7. NLP for Software Engineering
  8. GIVE 2.5
  9. Communications
  10. Research
  11. Summaries for GIVE 2
  12. GRE and Anaphora Resolution
  13. Workshop NLG FaMAF 2011
  14. Summaries of GIVE-related Papers
  15. Improved Web Screen Readers
  16. Improving Statistical NLG using Unsupervised Grammars
  17. Deobfuscating Name Scrambling as a Natural Language Generation Task
  18. Predicting Invariant Nodes in Large Scale Semantic Graphs
  19. Art of Feature Engineering
  20. Feature Engineering Book Chapter
  21. Impact of Spanish Dialect in Deep Learning Next Sentence Predictors
  22. Automatic Reports from Spreadsheets
  23. On the Robustness of Standalone Referring Expression Generation Algorithms Using RDF Data
  24. Method and apparatus for determining expense category distance between transactions via transaction signatures
  25. Filtering Personal Queries from Mixed-Use Query Logs
  26. On The Feasibility of Open Domain Referring Expression Generation Using Large Scale Folksonomies
  27. Extractive email thread summarization
  28. Thoughtland
  29. Hunter Gatherer
  30. Bridging the Gap between Intrinsic and Perceived Relevance in Snippet Generation
  31. The GIVE-2.5 C Generation System
  32. Method of Naming Query Clusters
  33. System and Method of Expanding a Search Query
  34. Using robustness to learn to order semantic properties in referring expression generation
  35. Rationale classification for educational trading platforms
  36. NLG Instructions for the Visually Impaired

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